Grazing Mgmt

Grazing Land Management

Kelley Resource Management Services will work diligently with you to create a grazing plan that increases your grass productivity while optimizing livestock health. Whether you run 350 cows or 3 head of horses we can develop and implement a plan that fits your landscape and personal needs.

We will map and inventory your pastures to create stocking rates and grazing densities that are ideal for your pasture composition. Let us work with you to create a grazing plan that helps healthy forages thrive and decreases weed species. Did you know that proper grazing will ultimately decrease animal sickness and parasite load.

Our approach is a holistic one. One that includes sensitive riparian areas, stream banks and sub irrigated low lands as well as rangeland. Developing springs and off site water creates healthier animals and better livestock distribution. Call upon us to assist you in developing low cost, low maintenance sysyetms.

We are also fully licensed to treat rodent and varmint issues.

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